Sad news
We wish there was no sad news to report but...
This page is dedicated to all those trusting and loving dogs out there who have made our lives better by being in them.
We miss them now and forever.
Pet Cremation Urns - Visit for custom pet memorial products. They have a selection of German Shepherd figurine urns among other items.
The Rainbow Bridge | |
There is a bridge connecting heaven and earth. It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors. Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows, hills and valleys with lush green grass. When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place. There is always food and water and warm spring weather. The old and frail animals are young again. Those who are maimed are made whole again. They play all day with each other. |
There is only one thing missing. They are not with their special person who loved them on earth. So, each day they run and play until the day comes when one suddenly stops playing and looks up! The nose twitches! The ears are up!! The eyes are staring!! And this one suddenly runs from the group! You have been seen, and when you and your special friend meet, you take him or her in your arms and embrace. Your face is kissed again and again and again and again, and you look once more in the eyes of your trusting pet. Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be separated. |
These are memorial entries for MAGSR Dogs that have gone to wait at the Bridge.
January 21, 2020
Mazie was adopted back in January of 2015. She was diagnosed with an inoperable tumor that lead to her being put to sleep on Jan 21 2020. Mazie started her life with us a bit rough, but quickly settled in to her routine. In the end, she wound up being a great dog (most of the time). She lived a great five years with her small Yorkie friend, and was great with every other dog she met. She spent a lot of time chilling out in her senior years, but always enjoyed a good outing to the park to chase a ball. She definitely developed more of a lazy lifestyle in her last year, but as a senior dog, she was certainly entitled. She will be missed.
December 28, 2019
Nero Dubel Burns, who we adopted in February of 2010, passed away at the age of 12 in September. Nero had a tough year as he battled cancer. He brought joy to everyone with whom he crossed paths and was described by everyone as a “gentle giant”. Of the three German Shepherds we had over the years, Nero was the largest, weighing in at 125 pounds. Nero was always protective and a great guard dog. He loved being around his father, Bruce. He never left Bruce’s side – ever. Wherever Bruce was, Nero was right there with him. We loved waking up every morning to the click-clack sound of Nero coming down the hallway, right at 7:00 A.M., ready for his mother Bonnie to take him out. Nero and our grandson Logan also were inseparable. They went for long walks around our lake, chased each other around the house, and were always good for a laugh. He has been missed over the last few months and we will always remember the joy he brought us.
December 28, 2019
We are devastated and heartbroken to let you know our sweet Rachel (adopted 2-14-15) passed unexpectedly in her sleep at home early Saturday, December 28, 2019, after having emergency surgery on Christmas morning for a twisted stomach.
Rachel was a vocal girl with strong herding instincts who shared herself uniquely with every member of our family. She gave us all exactly what we needed. she was so gentle with Mom “Nana” who lived with us when we adopted Rachel and our Grandson, Graeme, who arrived in 2017. Rachel was content with her daily routine: neighborhood watch, daily rides in the Jeep and walks at the local parks with Hubby, sharing Wednesdays and Thursdays with Graeme and his dog Honey, evening walks and weekly wine night with me and our neighbor Darla and their GS/lab, Sammy, special playtime with our youngest grown son, Robby (they had their own language). She was “That Big Dog” to Kelly (our oldest son’s MAGSR Alumna). She also enjoyed trips to the beach, holidays, and family time. She would plop down right in the middle of everyone or in front of the sink and expect us just to step over her which of course we did most of the time. She loved and was loved. She was a blessing to our family and brought us so much joy. We are missing her beyond words.
We will always be grateful to MAGSR’s dedicated volunteers for bringing her into our lives.
August, 2006 to December 25, 2019
Our beloved Sheba passed suddenly on Christmas Day, 2019. She was active with us all day and then about 6pm she was huddled under Mom's desk, her quiet spot. But she didn't want to come out. When she did she ran downstairs and outside, but stopped. She started vomiting and we rushed her to the Anne Arundel Emergency Veterinary Center, but she was in critical condition from bloat. She passed before 9pm.
Sheba was her human mother's "Wingman" helping out in the flower garden (sniffing every plant if she liked it), relaxing and reading (snoring), and judging sewing and quilting projects (sitting on them if she liked them). She also loved posing for photos and would sometimes sit until you took her picture - and usually get photo-bombed by her brother!
She went over the Rainbow Bridge to be with her brother Prince (formerly Blackjack), litter mates born 08/01/06 and both adopted 02/23/08. Both Prince and Sheba were the best dogs a family could have.
Thank you,
Anita Konzak Turley
December 20, 2019
We found out, several months ago, from our vet that Dixie had unfortunately been diagnosed with degenerative myolopathy which has no treatment. It is with a lot of tears and a very heavy heart that we have to let you know she was put to sleep on 12/20/2019 after suffering with GSD ALS. She came to us as a very abused and ill treated pet. We found her to be a very sweet and loving dog that became a huge part of our family. She was still happy and loving but in more pain so we decided to have her last day a good day for her.
December 20, 2019
It has taken some time to write this, as it has been very hard for us to manage life without Gulliver. This message and tribute is to inform MAGSR that our sweet handsome boy, Gulliver, crossed the Rainbow Bridge on December 20, 2019. Ultimately, the disease "DM" caught up with him. He did so well managing for a year, and the last month of his life it progressed to a level that was not easy for him.
We adopted Gully in October of 2009. He had great foster family parents in Monti and Sherri, before he reached his forever home with us. Gully was so much more than we expected. He was loyal, loving, a gentle giant, and loved his pack. He loved to play ball, chase squirrels, and meet up with his friends in the neighborhood. Gully also loved going for car rides. He would always stick his head out the window to see what was going on. Gully is a major loss to our family unit, and he is greatly missed. We are so blessed that we got to experience life with him. He is forever in our hearts. Till we meet again, big fella. We all love and miss you so much.
We love you forever and always Gully!
Love, Mike & Jen
December 10, 2019
Hello My name is Joe Myers. Our Shauna has gone over the rainbow bridge. We adopted her in January of 2016 from MAGSR. She was such a great dog and much of our lives were centered around her. When we adopted her, paperwork was a little conflicting, so she was estimated to be between 4-8 years, she was about 8-11 when she passed. She was apart of our family for almost 4 years. While we are very saddened by the loss of our family member, we are thankful for organizations like MAGSR who gave us this opportunity to share our lives with her. We are obviously grieving, but will be looking to adopt another German Sheppard in the near future, as we are a GSD family.
December 9, 2019
We are very sad to tell you that our dear sweet boy Dega who we rescued in 2011 has passed away. We are heartbroken. We had lost our previous german shepherd of 14 years in 2011, and we made the decision to rescue a dog in her honor.
We met Dega in April of 2011 after my husband saw him on your website. He was stunning, all black with golden eyes. I cannot tell you how many compliments he received over the 8 years we had him.
Dega was ball driven from day one that we met him. My husband would throw him the ball sometimes 30 times a day in every weather condition you can imagine. Dega never got tired of fetching and bringing the ball back. We also realized we couldn’t take him to my son’s baseball games because the urge to run out on the field and chase the baseball was just too great for him.
Another thing Dega was famous for was his howling at the sirens. He would stop whatever he was doing and stand tall and howl. He almost looked like a wolf. Living near a firehouse you can imagine how many times a day this would happen and even in the middle of the night. We were woken many times by his “ singing” but we didn’t mind at all.
Dega loved going to the beach too. Every year we would take him to the Outer Banks. We would walk him for miles on that beach and he loved it. Again, everyone who saw him there would say how beautiful he was. People were just drawn to his beauty and strength.
Dega was our beach dog, snow dog, and a best friend to my husband. He would follow him around the yard whenever they were outside. He did not need a leash to be outside. He would sit and watch my husband wash his car or walk around while he was mowing the grass. They were inseparable.
Dega was a good protector for my children as well. They were older when we got him, 16 and 12 but he bonded with them from the beginning. It was like he was meant for our family. When they say “ who rescued who” that is completely true. Dega came into our lives when we needed him and we will forever be grateful for him. He will be missed more than you will ever know. Thank you MAGSR for this incredible boy who has appeared on your Holiday card and calendar and changed our lives forever.
November 14, 2019
We are saddened to inform you that MAGSR alum, Neena (adopted 2009), has recently passed away at the age of 13.5 yrs. She was absolutely the best dog we could have ever asked or hoped for. We know she was infamous at MAGSR for being "talkative" and needy, but our Neena-the-Needy ended up being the perfect dog for us, teaching us so much about being strong pack leaders. Throughout the 10+yrs we were blessed with her, we went through so many changes--human siblings were born, we moved to 5 acres, got horses, then moved to a 20 acre horse farm. She handled everything with ease. We've attached a few pics of her from throughout the years.
July, 2010 to November 12, 2019
After 6 great years with Maxine, she unfortunately had to be put down. Degenerative Myelopathy had completely incapacitated her back legs and incontinence was setting in. It was a very tough call to make, but we could tell Maxi was not only suffering, but losing her mental capacity as well.
She was the first of three dogs we adopted from MAGSR.
She had a beautiful coat right up until the end!
We miss you Maxi, and know you're back running on all fours in Canine Heaven.
Allan & Belinda Young
June, 2012 to October 31, 2019
I am sending MAGSR this message to let your organization know of the passing of Tucker. We adopted Tuck on 11/24/2012 as 5 month old pup that had a tough start. He was always full of energy and was always ready to play with us. Tucker had never had any health issues or showed signs of not being 100% until October 30 when he refused to eat dinner and then on Oct 31 did not eat morning food and would not even take treats. We took him to our Vet, Cabin Creek Animal, where he was x-rayed and blood work completed. He was bleeding internally. We then took him to PetsER in Salisbury where the bleeding was confirmed along with cancer that had started spreading. He was extremely weak and unable to continue, so we made the decision to not let him suffer any more. We miss him, he was so much a part of our lives.
It is always so good to hear of the good the MAGSR does, and Tucker was the 4th GSD we had adopted from MAGSR.
Tucker had a AKC Star Medal for training. Thank you to MAGSR for allowing us to care for Tucker for 7 years.
October 15, 2019
I wish I could express how grateful I am for Riddick being in my life. Thank you so much for matching us with Riddick. The joy and love that he has brought to me has been unimaginable. He was the perfect fit for my small family. I am so glad I could rescue him and provide him with a loving and active environment. He was so gentle, yet full of energy. We enjoyed teaching him how to swim and our family vacation adventures with him. I loved how liked to show off his tricks – catching the ball, hiking, having no accidents in the house, winning at tug-a-war. It was fun to watch him go insane trying to put our oversized ball in his mouth. There was no toy that he couldn’t figure out how to take apart and destroy, yet he never chewed on anything in the house. He was so smart. He was such a faithful companion and loved our hiking time.
Although he was almost 10, we had gone for our normal weekly 5 mile hike late September. A month later, he succumbed to cancer. Joe and I took him to his favorite place – Great Falls and spent some time with him before we had to say goodbye forever. It was a perfect Fall day for all of us to reminisce over the last 7 years. It has been three weeks now and I am still bawling my eyes out. I miss him so much.
Again, thank you for introducing Riddick in our lives. Joe knew right away he was the dog for us. I wasn’t so sure, but glad I took the risk.
Rebecca DePrez
September 17, 2019
We are writing to share sad news. Our Camden who we adopted in 2012 was put to sleep tonight. This morning he was happy and chasing treats but late this afternoon he had labored breathing so we took him to emergency vet. The vet believes he had a Hemangiosarcoma; We had x-rays done to confirm what the vet believed. Though we are devastated, I am happy that it was very sudden so he was not in pain long. He brought us tremendous joy and will be missed so much.
October, 2010 to August 18, 2019
I am very sad to inform you that my beloved dog Sammy left my side on August 18, 2019. I adopted him from MAGSR in October of 2010. He had just arrived at the kennel that very day. You named him Samson because he was so incredibly strong. Sammy was the light of my life and he brought me so much joy. He died from hemangiosarcoma. Know that I did everything medically to assist him. Today rather than speak of his illness I prefer to tell you the first of many of his stories. I came to your kennel that day in October 2019 thinking I might find a friend or maybe a dog that needs to be fostered. Anyway I went through every dog you had in the kennel and none seemed to be “the one”. The person showing us the dogs stated there was one more dog that just arrived and did I want to see him. I said no but my niece said yes so the person helping us ran off to get the new dog the last one to see.
Out comes a large beautiful black and red German Shepherd just like my last two dogs. I walked him around the grass area through the trees checking him out. I tested him to see if he would follow my lead and he did. The woman came back and asked me if I wanted to adopt him and I said no but my niece said yes. Then the woman asked if I would like her to put him in the kennel down the hill to see again later. I said no but my niece said yes. So she put him down the hill in the outside kennel for us. As the end of the day approached, the woman came back and asked if we wanted to see Sammy again I said no but my niece said yes and off she went to get the dog. My niece is an animal person and knew me and my past dogs very well. She knew something I didn’t that day but Sammy made the decision on his own. I walked him around again with all the other people watching. They were ready to make a run for him as soon as I gave him back. He would not have lasted the rest of the day at the kennel.
As I was walking him, he abruptly came to a stop and stared hard into my eyes then turned his head and stared into my niece’s eyes. After staring at us for quite a while he pulled me across the grass area toward the kennel so I let him lead me curious about why. He then made a sharp right turn and went into the parking lot. He went car to car up to the top of the lot until he found my car and he jumped up on it. He refused to leave my car-- he wanted to get inside. Finally, I got him back to the grassy area and he would no longer walk or do anything he just kept pulling me toward the fence separating the parking lot and the grass area. He had positioned himself in direct line with my car on the other side of the fence. So, I told the lady if she could get him a bath I would take him home. After his bath we saw him at the bottom of the hill just staring up at us. He was happy and absolutely knew he was going with us. I was given his leash and Sampson became Sammy as he moved to my side where he remained for the rest of his life. I loved him dearly and miss him horribly. I was so lucky he picked me that day. Thank you for such a wonderful dog.
August 15, 2019
We are sad to inform you that we lost our beloved MAGSR dog, Mercedes. She passed away on Monday morning Our hearts are broken but we are thankful for the five wonderful years of fun and love we had with her.
We adopted her from MAGSR over 5 years ago. She was the love of our lives. We will miss her.
Joe and Jodi McCarthy
July 5, 2019
It is with broken heart that I write to you today to advise of the passing of our beloved Ginger. We adopted her by her MAGSR name of Canela on April 3, 2009 when she was about 9 months old. She was a loving part of our family. We named her Ginger because of her coloring and we kept Canela as her middle name. She was always glad to see her family when they would arrive home from work or school. She loved running and playing but when it was time to go to bed a simple “are you ready to go night night” and she would grab a toy and go straight to our room. She was a constant companion and was always at someone’s side. Her passing will leave a great void in all of our hearts.
Ginger, unfortunately was not with us as long as we were hoping, but her health declined sharply over the last month. She lost function in her back legs and her spleen was very swollen. The vet had her on Prednisone, a pain killer and two different antibiotics over the past month. Unfortunately she continued to lose weight and the vet advised that putting her down was probably best.
Thank You MAGSR for bringing us together.
Russell Lee
July 4, 2019
I am so sad to say that our beautiful Chancellor E. DeFeo passed away yesterday at home. He was taken from us way too soon and unexpectedly. He wasn’t feeling well the past three weeks and after two rounds of bloodwork and multiple xrays and other tests, we had him scheduled for an ultrasound for this coming Monday. But he collapsed at home and died in our arms, we still do not know exactly what was wrong but the veterinarian assumed a tumor of some sort. We are devastated. We adopted him July 2010 from you. Thank you for all that you do and for allowing us the joy of having Chancellor for these past 9 years.
June, 2019 to June 30, 2019
It is with a heavy heart that I must tell you that Hartley went to the Rainbow Bridge last Friday after battling with Neuropathy for the last year. Hartley was a kind and gentle soul who gave us so much love and his life was cut far to short. We only had him for about six short years but those years were packed full of love and joy and we will never forget him. It was with his special and kind nature and love that he filled our hearts which great memories that will live with us forever. I have a few pictures of our special boy that I'd like to share and want to thank MAGSR for the opportunity to adopt such a wonderful dog.
June 6, 2019
Dear All:
It is with a heavy heart that I must tell you that we had to let our beautiful Dini (FKA Neecy) go on June 6, 2019. We adopted her September 6, 2006 and she came home with us on the 12th. She was challenging, smart and a wonderful companion. At over 14 years of age, DM and seizures diminished her quality of life and robbed her of her mobility. Of course, we are heartbroken, but satisfied that we gave her the best possible life and let her go with dignity and in her own home: happy, secure and enjoying her favorite treat of ice cream. She was a good girl.
Greg Root and Carol Siegel.
April 27, 2019
In memory of MAGSR alum, Silver, adopted in May 2009. Silver died April 27, 2019 at the ripe old age of 14. A magnificent and majestic friend and guardian. We are grateful to MAGSR for helping us find each other.
April 21, 2019
We are heartbroken to inform you that Lily was diagnosed with metastatic and untreatable cancer in March. With medication we were able to have her with us - and her frail elderly yellow lab companion - still energetic and happy for 5 weeks or so. We then had to let her go in late April so that she would not suffer. She was only 8 having been born 10/10/10
April 15, 2019
We had to put our sweet boy Nash down today. He was 15 and gave us 13 wonderful years. Not sure that we will ever get to the point where we will want to replace him but thank all of you who helped us make him a part of our lives.
Rene Stein
March 30, 2019
On March 30th, we lost our sweet girl to cancer. For 9 happy years, she was an important part of our family in ways we could have never imagined when we adopted her. We adopted Sadee after a scary incident with another dog that left our son injured. Due to her kind nature and the way she lovingly protected him, she helped him regain confidence and see dogs for the complicated, wonderful creatures that they are. When I gave birth our daughter about 2 years after Sadee joined our family, she further cemented her "awesome big sister" status by loving on the new baby in the same way that she loved our son. Sadee was a best friend to both of our children- always happy to run around the yard playing with them, and standing watch outside of their bedroom doors if they were asleep. She also became my favorite running partner in the whole world. When I could barely get myself out of bed in the pre-dawn hours, the insistence of her wet nose nudging me until I laced up my shoes would remind me that it was worth getting up early- as a run would reveal foxes to chase, exercise to be had and a sunrise somewhere towards the end. One of my favorite things about our runs was when we would pass another neighborhood exerciser. Sadee drew comments from everyone on her majestic beauty and excellent leash manners! I beamed with pride telling them she was adopted. In this way, I think Sadee was a great ambassador for other shelter dogs. After a long, thankless day at work for my husband or I, Sadee's unwavering and extreme excitement as we walked through the front door could remind us in an instant that things weren't so bad. She was there for us until the end. She fought hard, with characteristic German Shepherd stubbornness against an increasingly sick, hurting body. We can only help she felt how much we loved her. It will take time, but when our hearts are healed, we hope to adopt another dog from MAGSR.
March 15, 2019
Sadly we had to put our wonderful MAGSR dog to sleep tonight due to serious complications from a fall. Jillian - same name from adoption - was a wonderful blessing to our family for nearly 5 years. She lived a difficult life before being rescued by MAGSR, but finally found her forever home with our family, where she enjoy long walks, car rides, and playing in the snow. While her time with us was shorter than we desired, we will always remember her for being the best friend anyone could ever ask for.
She was here when we brought our daughter home from the hospital and their bond was grew stronger from the moment they met.
We will miss Jillian!
March 4, 2019
Indy fka Enzo adopted fall of 2012 was freed from his lymphoma today. We had Indy for over seven years, he was the sweetest dog I’ve ever had. He will be most remembered for his puppy like nature and wary but sweet demeanor. His brother Duke (fka Luxor also a MAGSR pup), and the rest of the family will miss him dearly! Until we meet again Indy dog!
February 1, 2019
It is with great sadness that I write to inform you that we had to say goodbye to our beloved Samira that we adopted from you in August 2005. She was 14 and very much loved and spoiled for the 13+ years we were fortunate to have her. Sadly though her mind and spirit were willing her body was breaking down miserably and despite medication, and physical therapy and intensive love and care, her body was failing. It was a very hard decision to let her go but she was surrounded by her family and much love and dignity to the end.
Natalie Gaines
January 26, 2019
When we adopted Kenya in January we knew she only had a little time left.
We said goodbye to our lovely lady in the afternoon on Saturday, January 26th. She took one final ride in the car where she looked out her windows and watched the world go by. An hour later we covered her lovely fur in tears as we said our final goodbyes and told her to wait for us at the bridge. Although Kenya had only been formally adopted for a couple of weeks, she joined our family two years before when we opened our door to her and never looked back. Kenya was our feisty, loyal, playful guardian. She loved ear scratches, squeaky toys, and her walks; however, what she loved most was her human daddy. We think about our lady every day and are sure she is dictating a state of calm over the bridge. We love you Kenya.
Will, Kate, Bear & Ally
January 7, 2019
My father, Rand Lambert has asked me to email you regarding his dog Axel, previously named Shadow who was adopted in October of 2017. He has been treated by the vet for several days for what they believed to be gastroenteritis. He went to have him checked again and Axel developed a cardiac issue and passed at the Vet. Obviously my father is heartbroken as this is the second young rescue they have suddenly lost at such a young age although he did live a wonderful life with my parents and was very loved by my entire family. Axe was the third rescue we have adopted from MAGSR. Our first was my pup Bogart in 2003. My father will be contacting you very soon to adopt another.
Thank you so very much,
Rand Lambert and
The Lambert Family
December 15, 2018
I wanted to let you know that Maya crossed over the Rainbow Bridge today. She was a wonderful and loving companion and I will miss her very much. I can not thanks MAGSR enough for bringing her into my life.
Sue Underwald
December, 2018 to December 15, 2018
In July 2010, we adopted a very shy mild mannered girl from you. turns out, with a little love and confidence building, she was a HIGH DRIVE GSD! she was my heart. unfortunately, age cannot be defeated and we had to let her be at peace a few weeks ago. as you can see in the attached pics, she was spoiled and had a great life!